Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Geometric and Photometric Restoration of Distorted Documents

Mingxuan Sun, Ruigang Yang, Yun Lin, George V. Landon, W. Brent Seales, Michael S. Brown, "Geometric and Photometric Restoration of Distorted Documents," in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, vol. 2, October 2005, pp. 1117– 1123.

We present a system to restore the 2D content printed on distorted documents. Our system works by acquiring a 3D scan of the document’s surface together with a high-resolution image. Using the 3D surface information and the 2D image, we can ameliorate unwanted surface distortion and effects from non-uniform illumination. Our system can process arbitrary geometric distortions, not requiring any pre-assumed parametric models for the document’s geometry. The illumination correction uses the 3D shape to distinguish content edges from illumination edges to recover the 2D content’s reflectance image while making no assumptions about light sources and their positions. Results are shown for real objects, demonstrating a complete framework capable of restoring geometric and photometric artifacts on distorted documents.